To view or print our documents, first download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader or the WinZiptm utility. Files may be saved for printing at a later time.
View/Save | Sign Manuals and Specifications | Size |
Operation manual for speed sign |
255K |
Alpha Sign Operations Manual |
8Meg |
Auto-Traxtm system specifications for 1998 |
27K |
**ATLite Version 2.0 full release** ATLITE is authorized for use only by registered Ingram Technologies customers. To use this version, you must remove any previous version of ATLite that you have on your system. See the readme file found in the ATLite setup folder. If you already have the ATLite 2.0 installed on your system, you need only download the update file and copy it to the working directory of ATLite.
ATManual Operation manual for ATLite in PDF format |
19 Sep 2001 |
ATManual Operation manual for ATLite (PDF file Zipped for easy download) |
19 Sep 2001 |
ATDownload Program software to download survey from sign. (PDF file Zipped for easy download) |
19 Sep 2001 |
**Directions For Use** ATLITE Update: Download "atlite.zip" and unzip into any directory you desire. Copy the unzipped file "atlite.exe" into the atlite6 directory on your computer. Allow this file to overwrite the older version. Program is updated and ready to run.
ATLITE full install: Download file and unzip to any directory. Open the folder called Atlite Setup and follow the readme file directions found there.
In the last several months, it has become clear that Microsoft
is not going to support the database which we were using for our
AutoTraxTM and Traffic CountTM traffic management software.
So, we have decided to go to a Web based solution.
We have removed the Traffic CountTM software downloads from this page, they are no longer supported.
The new software is available by clicking the LINK below.
Please call 435-613-0350 if you have questions.
If you use Internet Explorer, you must use Version 7 or higher.
Remember, the Auto-Trax tm program screen shots and printed materials are copyrighted and cannot be used for any other purposes without the express written permission of Ingram Technologies.
Copyright 1998 Ingram Technologies, LLC. - All Rights Reserved Worldwide
If you have any problems or suggestions, contact webmaster@ingram-tech.com