Ingram Technologies, LLC.

Model IT 166XS Micro Miniature Monochrome Video Camera

Price: $59.95 Plus shipping


This is a terrific little board camera for hiding in the flower pot, behind a clock or just about anywhere. The sensitivity is suburb and the sharpness will amaze you as it did me. The power and video cables come with the camera and if you have only a whisper of light available, you can capture the images. The low power consumption of this camera makes it possible to be run on batteries or you may purchase a "wall wart" power supply to power the camera. – You won’t be disappointed. This camera also sees in the infrared range. See our IR LED board to add the ability to make this a see-in-the-dark camera.


Accessories available: PWR-12-300 Power supply, IR 300 Infrared Light source.